Una de las joyas de la corona, y junto al color real bass, el color que mas peces nos da, en este color hemos intentado ir un paso mas alla en cuanto al realismo con el pez original en el que nos hemos basado, sin duda un color que no os defraudara. En su version de swimbait es especialmente demoledor, los basses mas grandes lo enbocan sin problema, habiendo subido peces desde mas de seis metros.
One of the jewels of the crown, and together with the real bass colour it's one that gives us the most catches. We tried to go one step further with this one by trying to bring the realism of the original fish its based on, its without doubt a color that will not disappoint. It's specially devastating on its swimbait version, the basses bite them without any trouble as I have pulled fishes from over 6 meters away.
[Español] Espero que este proyecto que pongo en marcha os guste tanto como a mi. Colores completamente personalizados por vosotros. Si estais interesados en tener señuelos unicos poneros en contacto con nosotros a traves del correo bass@bassobsession.es [English] I hope you enjoy this project as much as I do. Color completely personalized by you, if you are intereted in having unique lures, get in contact with us through the following email: bass@bassobsession.es
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